Busines Tutorial NewsDuplicate entries of RGS services - error in queue configuration.

If your responsegroups stops working and you get this error in Lync2013, here is what to do.

Typically the error looks like this:

�The Match Making service could not transfer the call because of an error in the queue configuration.

Call ID b6af3e05-2c92-4ba3-9499-8c608790bb0c received on queue Name '-' ID af56d9b1-f957-4be2-82da-1142316b7b9a was dropped because the queue is misconfigured.
Failure occurrences: 12, since 22.01.2014 09:18:21.

Cause: Misconfigured queue.
Use the Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Control Panel to check the queue configuration.�

This is caused by lync creating duplicate entries in AD for the RGS services.

To isolate the duplicates run this command on the lync frontend server:

CSVDE.exe -f c:\temp\rtc_contacts.csv -d "CN=Application Contacts,CN=RTC Service,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM" -r "(&(objectCategory=*)(msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress=*RtcApplication*))"
Edit to fit your domain.

Then open the exported file in notepad and look for the ApplicationDestination DN

It typically looks like
CN={37a1e0e8-cc9b-4473-a7cc-2ddcbc77f984},CN=Application Contacts,CN=RTC Service,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=veidekke,DC=net

Now you have located the duplicate entries end need to remove them.
Start MMC and add adsiedit snap in. (Google if you don�t have that snap in)
Right click adsi edit and chooce �connect to�

Then be sure to select �Configuration� under naming context.

Click OK
Locate the Application you wish to delete.
Right click the application and choose properties.
Choose filter
Chooce �show only attriubutes that has values�

Now you can double check if this is the duplicate announcement service.

You can also make sure you have selected the instance that was created last.
Press cancel when you have cheked

When you feel sure it�s the righ instance the right click and delete it.

Repeat this for all duplicates
When this is done the responsegroup service and announcement service needs to be restarted.

And that�s all there is to it.

You can also run this in powershell from preferably a FrontEnd server:

Import-Module ActiveDirectory


Get-ItemProperty -Path �AD:\CN=*,CN=Trusted Services,CN=RTC Service,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,,DC=win,DC=Domain,DC=COM� -Name cn,msRTCSIP-TrustedServerFQDN,msRTCSIP-TrustedServiceType,objectClass,whenChanged | Group-Object -Property msRTCSIP-TrustedServerFQDN,msRTCSIP-TrustedServiceType | Where-Object {$_.Count -gt 1} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Group | ?{$_.objectClass -eq �msRTCSIP-TrustedService�} | Select cn,msRTCSIP-TrustedServerFQDN,msRTCSIP-TrustedServiceType,whenChanged | Out-GridView

Change Domain (in red font) to your domain.

(You may also need to change CN if your are looking for other types of objects)

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