Busines Tutorial NewsCorrupt configuration on UX2000/SBC2000 from SONUS | SOLVED!

An UX2000/SBC2000 in my deployment misbehaved a bit after upgrading firmware to 2.2.1 build 195.
I was not able to edit anything in the config because an error message popped up with a referanse to a TLSProfileID that was invalid.
Techlands, who supports this, suggested a facotory reset.
Not a very practical approach since you have to connect physically to the gateway afterwards to configure it again.

But  here is what my approach was.
I had a clue: Invalid TLSprofileID in the error message.
I had a backup of the config and extracted this.
Inside there was a file called backupconfig.xml.
I scanned throug this and sure enough I found something odd.
Under the token SIPSERVERS i found this field: <TLSProfileID>3</TLSProfileID>
And there was not a TLSPROFILE with that ID.
I first tried editing the file manually and restore the backup but the UX2000 still popped up the same error message.

Time for Putty.
I logged on to the UX2000 with putty ad admin user.
Now I had to find a file I did not kbow the name of containing the config.
I ran this command: $ find / -name '*config*.xml' >config.txt
I found this candidate:

Sure enough this was the correct file.
I opened the file in VI and edited the field to <TLSProfileID>0</TLSProfileID>
I then saved the file (:wq) and rebooted the UX.
After logging on to the web-gui of the UX 2000  I could once again edit the configuration.

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