Busines Tutorial NewsCompetella keyword migration/import

If you have upgraded from version R1 of Competella to version R2 you might want to migrate your keywords to the new Competella database.
Pr now there is no built in function for this but this procedure works.

First log in to your old Competella database and run this sql script:

Use Competella

SELECT     Users.LoginName, KeyWord.KeyWord
into #userkeywords

FROM         Users INNER JOIN
                      UserKeyWord ON Users.UserID = UserKeyWord.UserId INNER JOIN
                      KeyWord ON UserKeyWord.KeyWordId = KeyWord.KeyWordId

SELECT  loginname
       ,STUFF((SELECT ', ' + CAST(Keyword AS VARCHAR(50)) [text()]
         FROM #userkeywords
         WHERE loginname = t.loginname
         FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE)
        .value('.','NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,2,' ') Keywords
FROM #userkeywords t
GROUP BY loginname

Then Export the result to a csv file and copy it to the new Competella server.

Set up the text importer on the new Competella system with this values and run text importer

That�s it. Your keywords should now be imported to the new system.

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